Sunday, February 8, 2009

Henry Edward is One Week Old!

It is hard to believe that one week has passed already. This experience has been amazing!

Recovery from my c-section has been going well. I feel terrible that I have been unable to lift My Girl but with squatting down, can offer her full body hugs. This recovery has been much easier than my first c-section and my TAC placement.

Henry is settling in nicely and has already made a visit to the pediatrician. He is down to 5 1/2 lbs but is eating like a champ! We appreciate and cherish all of his abilities - such as the fact that he not only knows how to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing, but he is doing all of this while exclusively breastfeeding. We are hopeful for a good weight gain so the breastfeeding can continue.

Another thing to note, is that Mister Henry, born at 6 lbs 3 oz, was 4.5 times the size of his Big Sister.

Here is a little video about our birth experience. Enjoy!


Kieryn said...

YAY!!! Congratulations .. . enjoy every moment!

Leana said...

I'm so thrilled for you!!! Congratulations!

Sara said...

What a sweet video! Congratulations!

Saffy said...

Only in recent weeks have I come across your blog but it has been an amazing read. That video is a tear jerker - tears of absolute happiness for you :) Your birth experience with Henry Edward must've been so different (and noisy!) compared to your first time around, and imagine taking a baby home 4 days after giving birth. Congratulations to you all!

The Hull Munchkins said...

I just found your blog today and have really enjoyed reading about your pg experience. We had a micro preemie at 23wks 5days 5 yrs ago and spent over 6 months in the NICU. She had a very rough NICU course and has multiple special needs. We had a full termer 3 yrs ago and did many of the interventions you mention in your pg. I was on modified home bed rest for 23 weeks. Fortunately we were thrilled to deliver him at 42 weeks!

I'm now pg again with #3 and am at 33 wks. I'm having tons of pre-term contractions, taking terb and procardia, p-17 injections etc... hoping to make it to 36 wks.

congratulations on Henry and your 35 week experience! I loved the video of his birth... so cool. I know how incredibly special it is to hear a healthy baby cry in delivery!! I balled my eyes out... but no one really understood why.

He is gorgeous! Your little girl is adorable and looks so healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing your story.