Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Single Heartbeat!

Today I am exactly seven weeks and we saw and heard the heartbeat for the first time! The baby, yes, just one baby!, is measuring on target for the gestational age. Dr. Davis answered all my questions and the game plan is this:

1. During my next visit (9 1/2 weeks) I will have preliminary labs drawn to look at fetal proteins. (I am concerned about my higher levels of HCG with this pregnancy.)

2. At 12 weeks, I will begin a prophylactic antibiotic/anti-fungal treatment to reduce the risk of ascending infection.

3. Due to crazy morning sickness, it's ok to skip my prenatal vitamins for the first trimester as long as I get 1000 mcg of folic acid.

4. Once the second trimester hits, I need to take two of each prenatal vitamin. (My vitamin comes as set of two pills: one vitamin and one fatty acid pill.) I also need to take 500 mg of vitamin C to help the iron better absorb.

5. My chance of miscarriage at this point is 16%. When I see Dr. Davis again on August 4th, assuming all is well, my rate will drop to 4%.

6. I will continue with the Prometrium until week 16 when I will begin my P17 injections.

7. Dr. Davis said there is an 80% chance I will make it to 35 weeks.

8. If I have PTL with cervical changes, I will get steroid shots to develop the baby's lungs and all attempts will be made to stop the labor.

In addition to seeing Dr. Davis, I will also be followed by my local group. I see them at the end of July.

As my little peanut would say, "Hip, hip, hooray!"

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