Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Comparision: 23w 5d

Starting off with this pregnancy, at 23w 5d, I feel fine. My uterine irritability subsided greatly and I feel like a different person today. Was it the fluids? The added rest? Who knows, but whatever it was, I'll take feeling good over feeling bad any day.

At 23w 5d in my last pregnancy (a Tuesday), I was seen in the doctors' office because I thought I had a yeast infection. Dr. G did an internal (notice they are NOT allowed at all during this pregnancy) and told me my cervix was fine and while he saw only the slightest trace of yeast under the microscope, for my comfort, told me to treat with an over-the-counter. It seems as though my physical symptoms of discomfort were far greater than any proof that I had a raging yeast infection.

I know now (again that whole hindsight being 20/20) that I should have asked for, if not demanded, a transvaginal ultrasound to check for any funnelling and to measure my cervical length. I had learned during my anatomy scan at around 18 weeks that my cervix was 2.5, "on the short side" said Dr. C. That was the other thing I hadn't a clue about, and I was too ignorant to know the potential implications which for me, turned out to be a harsh reality.

So I left my appointment and carried on about my day, ending with dinner with Hubby's family, although my mother-in-law was absent that night. We were just about to order when a storm rolled in and the power was lost. The emergency lights came on and the sirens were sounding. I remember there being a discussion about what appliances were able to run in spite of the lack of electricity. Somehow, we were convinced to stay and ate our meals.

On the way home, Hubby and I stopped at CVS and picked up an over-the-counter yeast infection treatment. I can't recall if when we arrived at home the power was already out or if it went out later in the night, but I did not use the suppository that evening.

Since it was July, the lack of power caused us to open our windows and we joked that if our basement was finished, we would find ourselves sleeping down there because it was usually much cooler. We moved from our bed to the sofa, thinking that since heat rises, perhaps it will be cooler in the family room. I remember being unable to sleep and just sweating while trying to get comfy on the sofa. Hubby gave me the sofa and took the love seat, that I remember distinctly. Before long, I was in the powder room, wondering if perhaps the food I ate that night at dinner was spoiled or not fully cooked. Candles were flickering and the flashlight was used to aid in helping me see as I suffered from upset stomach at both ends. Hubby was untouched by this "bug" I thought I somehow picked up, fearful of food poisoning.

It was a rough night and thankfully (again no idea what was happening at the time) my Precious Little Girl did not slip out during those hot, dark hours. Gosh, that image and possibility really haunts me at times. That is when I know that God was looking out for me, Hubby and our Precious Miracle. When I hear stories of home births, my thoughts immediately rush to that night and the what-ifs that thankfully, never were. Because our power was out, we had no home phone, only our cell phones, which at the time, got horrible reception while inside our house. Again, just the thought makes me shudder with fear.

So here I am after My Nut's bedtime, finishing a post I began during her nap time. My diminished uterine irritability has turned into a couple of contractions, which were corroborated by Hubby feeling my uterus with me.

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