Friday, November 28, 2008

Over the Hump

My P17 shot was given today as opposed to my usual day of Thursday. I was supposed to get the shot at my Wednesday appointment but since that was moved to Tuesday, I decided not to have the nurse administer the injection. So that brought me to today and Kim was kind enough to stop over on her way home from work. I truly didn't have the heart to bug her on Thanksgiving.

I am officially over the hump with more shots behind me than ahead of me. It is a nice place to be yet at the same time, a reminder that this baby will be here in about 10 weeks (assuming all goes well). I wonder how ready I am...

On another note, my crampiness and heaviness is very much attributed to my activity level. When I sit with my feet up, I feel minimal discomfort. When I become active, taking on my stairs, lifting My Girl or as we did tonight, go to the mall for photos, visit with Santa and walk a bit, I feel horrible! Needless to say I'm in quite a bit of discomfort. This is a clear indication that I need to start taking it easy as up until now, I have not really restricted much of my daily routine. Now is the time to start. The only thing I want for Christmas this year is to be pregnant and to help that wish come true, I need to take it easy.

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