Thursday, August 14, 2008

11 Weeks!

Here we are at 11 weeks! I am feeling really anxious to know if this baby is a girl or boy. We found out with Little Miss at 17 weeks and change.

I have a series of mental milestones at this point the first being Monday when I see Dr. Davis again. I'm sure he'll schedule me for another appointment in two more weeks but so far, it's not on my calendar. I have an ultrasound for Dr. C on Thursday of next week (at 12 weeks) and then I see him in early September. In five weeks, I start my P17 shots (at 16 weeks) and I guess if the baby cooperates, we should know the sex within a couple weeks from there. That's as far as I've been able to go at this point.

Anyway, the concern about gender is prompted by my horrible breakouts. Little Miss just zapped me and I had these large, painful pimples when I was pregnant with her that continued during my first few months of pumping. I look terrible now and I looked terrible then.

I suppose I should wrap this up with the statement that I just want a healthy baby: from pregnancy, birth and beyond!

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