Thursday, January 22, 2009

34 Weeks!

34 weeks feels so good!

Today was a busy day with two appointments. The first appointment was a consult for a local amnio. I made the appointment before Dr. Davis indicated he wanted to perform the procedure. Dr. Donnenfeld, who has an affiliation with my old group but doesn't deliver, recognized my husband. Dr. Donnenfeld only saw me for a brief moment the weekend I was in Trendelenburg with bulging membranes back in July 2006. He is a very nice man and asked about Our Girl and how she was doing. It is a simple question that to me, gives a quick peek into the heart of these very specialized doctors. It is nice to be able to distinguish which physicians truly care. Dr. Donnenfeld does.

It was decided based on his medical opinion and scheduling, to perform my amnio on Wednesday, February 11 at 36w 6d. Prior to scheduling, I wanted to meet with my new group to confirm their availability for my c-section. I was also torn about having Dr. Davis perform the amnio. I expressed this to Dr. Donnenfeld, who personally knows Dr. Davis.

My personal comfort, as much as I love Dr. Davis, is to be closer to home. There is just something about being far from home that causes me much anxiety lately. I think for my own inner peace, I need to have my amnio in PA. I hope Dr. Davis understands.

My second appointment was another weekly appointment with my new group. Dr. Porcelain is one of the last physicians I had yet to meet. She, too, personally knows Dr. Davis. She confirmed my need for the TAC and also inquired as to the health and development of My Girl.

It looks like if all goes well, my c-section will be scheduled for Thursday, February 12 at exactly 37 weeks gestation, full-term!

Wow! It's crazy to think that in exactly three weeks from this moment, assuming Baby Boy's lungs are mature, I will have delivered and will be recovering in the hospital with my healthy baby next to me - as in - rooming in! Nuts, just nuts!

Baby Boy was just evaluated for growth on Tuesday and is measuring just fine. I'm glad I have this knowledge as I've failed to gain much weight over the past two weeks. It's been something along the lines of 1/2 lb. My uterus is measuring on-target and his heart rate is within normal limits - all good things.

Since I had appointments today, I thought it would be easier to have the nurse administer my 19th P17 shot instead of having Kim restructure her morning on account of me. Oh, boy! Kim is so gentle and truly takes her time to make sure the experience is a comfy one. The nurse at the doctors' office, while very nice, stated she was very busy. She said they usually have the shots prepared ahead of time but since I usually get my shot at home, this wasn't possible. Anyway, I leaned over the exam table (doing my best to let my leg and behind relax) and with the preface that she had to be quick and a reminder of just how thick the solution is, got a fast jab in the backside (no z-tracking here) with a two-second push of the plunger. Let me just say, it was the most painful shot of this sort I've ever had! Holy cow! They have never hurt this bad and I am sitting with a heating pad as I type. But in the scheme of things, it's really not that big a deal.

So tomorrow, my plan is to make sure I get myself on the schedule for my amnio and confirm the time for my c-section.

While Hubby and I are both very happy with where I am, it would be nice to make it to 37 weeks to be able to achieve a term pregnancy after a micro-preemie. February 12 is not set in stone and I wouldn't be surprised (at least I'm prepared not to be too surprised) if Baby Boy makes his appearance before hand.

Here's to celebrating 34 weeks!


Judith and Jason said...

Hi there! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I am happy to have "met" you. You are giving me great hope for a successful pregnancy and hopeful full termer.
Congrats for making it to 34 weeks!

Sara said...

Alan Donnenfeld is great! I work with him (indirectly) and have always found him approachable, professional, and well-informed. Another Nurse Practitioner in my practice worked with him personally for many years, and can't say enough good things about him. You're in good hands!