Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Funny Feelings...

Yesterday in the late morning, I started to have some not-quite-right feelings/sensations. These feelings have continued as I have intermittent low abdominal cramping and lower back pain along with a feeling of heaviness and pressure. I have a slight increase in discharge but nothing too much and certainly no bleeding, otherwise I would have called the doctor or gone to the hospital. I am not having contractions although as my next dose of Procardia is coming due, I feel an increase in my uterine irritability, causing me to take my next pill anywhere from 30-60 minutes ahead of schedule.

The more days I clock in this pregnancy, the less-worried I am over things such as this. I informed my husband of my discomfort and he too feels the same way. Although my real reason for telling him was to enlighten him to the fact that I suppose things could change at any moment and we may end up needing to get to the hospital.

I have taken it easy today, only driving to school to pick up My Girl. Thankfully Hubby is flexible enough to meet me there, run in, get her and put her in the car for me. She was a true dream today and in spite of the coughing incident that caused her to throw up in her bed, cutting nap time short and requiring stripping of the bed and a bath for her, we had a lovely day together, snuggling in my bed as we "rested" (no nap). I even commented to Hubby that Our Girl seems just a little more mature today, like she's just growing up.

Tonight Hubby came home from work on the early side so we headed to the basement to pull out all the baby things we'll be needing in a few weeks: car seat, bouncy seat, swing, pack-n-play, etc., etc. This really sparked a heightened interest in Baby Brother for Our Girl. She is running around the house saying, "Baby Brother is coming!" In fact, a car pulled up out front and she asked, "Baby Brother in the car, Mommy?"

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