Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Eight Weeks Longer... (So Far!)

Yesterday I celebrated 32w 5d! This means that Baby Brother has officially had an additional eight weeks in utero than his Big Sister did - and we're still cooking!

I saw Dr. Davis yesterday for my weekly scans and testing. My fluid level is remaining fairly consistent at 11.24. My cervix is continuing to shorten (as part of the normal pregnancy process) and is now measuring with a total length of 2.4 and a functional length of 2.1. The important thing is that it remains closed, which thankfully, it is.

Dr. Davis and I discussed the plan for scheduling my c-section and it was decided (which we knew this part all along) that if active labor starts at any point in time and can't be stopped, I will be taken in for delivery. If by 37 weeks (which is four weeks away from tomorrow!) I have not gone into labor, then an amnio should be performed to confirm Baby Boy's lung maturity. Dr. Davis feels I should deliver at 37 weeks if Baby Boy's lungs are mature as opposed to pushing it and waiting for labor to begin on its own.

The question of confirming lung maturity was addressed and I explained our position in our willingness to deal with transitional breathing issues if need be. Dr. Davis explained that this is common thinking for parents of preemies who have been through the NICU experience. What Dr. Davis continued to explain, that no one else has (although I think the new doc I saw last week alluded to this fact) is that near term babies have different issues with regards to respiratory status. He said that if a near term baby goes into Respiratory Distress and begins to experience Bronchial Spasms (both things we dealt with with Our Girl) their bodies respond by going into something called "Persistent Fetal Circulation". My understanding of this is that the blood does not circulate through the lungs once the baby is born and this causes major issues in oxygen saturation, persistent pulmonary hypertension and possibly death.

My next question was about complications from an amnio - that if Baby Boy's lungs are not developed but my membranes rupture, I go into labor or the umbilical cord is compromised, then what? Dr. Davis explained that all of those involve "stress" different from "distress" which works in aiding lung development.

So yesterday, Dr. Davis hit home our need to stay with the initial plan of confirming that Baby Boy's lungs are developed enough for him to enter this world by having the amnio prior to my scheduled c-section at 37 weeks.

With 33 weeks at the door in less than 12 hours, meeting our Little Boy is just four weeks away! I can't believe we are coming in on the home-stretch!

And speaking of home-stretch, I feel as though I am stretched to capacity. My maternity shirts are no longer fully covering my large tummy and last week my flush belly button officially began its journey towards becoming a full-fledged outie.

Finally, Dr. Davis asked me to call one of his patients who is scheduled for her TAC surgery on Monday. We spoke last night and I wish her well as she undergoes this life-changing, life-saving procedure. To anyone out there who has experienced a loss or early birth due to IC, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider the TAC! Dr. Davis is an amazing doctor and person and I know I wouldn't be this far into this pregnancy without him and my TAC!

Oh, and since we've really moved into baby-prep mode, Our Girl is so fascinated with all the baby things we've pulled out that were once hers. She is also even more excited about Baby Brother's upcoming arrival and asks several times throughout the day when Baby Brother will come play with his toys. When the dogs bark and she thinks someone is here, she now says, "Baby Brother here, Mommy?"

1 comment:

Leana said...

Yay for 33 weeks!! You are so very close . . . hang in there!