Thursday, December 18, 2008

29 Weeks!!!

Thank you to all who responded to my last post. I am feeling better about things and now that My Girl is down for her afternoon nap, plan on calling a few OBs (all of which have been recommended) to see if I can't coordinate a new practice to take over my care. I am unable to set foot in my old practice let alone allow them to put their hands inside my abdomen, be the first human touch my baby receives and perform his circumcision. That's just plain old crazy!

I called Dr. Davis last night after I calmed down and told him what occurred yesterday. My big concern was his professional relationship with his out-of-state colleagues. I didn't want my situation to negatively impact his interaction with his medical peers.

He told me he is always available to give me care and whenever I need him, just call. The plan at this point remains what it was: that I will continue to see him weekly for monitoring. Obviously, we don't have a crystal ball to predict what the future holds. He assured me in the event of an emergency, wherever I end up will be required to provide me with care. All I can do is what I've done all along and that is to take things one day at a time. We don't know how far I will go with this pregnancy but I can say, I am very pleased with reaching 29 weeks! This in no way means I am ready to have Baby Boy anytime soon, I'm just in awe of reaching this point in my pregnancy.

I received my 14th P17 shot this morning, thank you, Kim!

And in other more positive, preparatory news, I ordered some bedding options from Restortation Hardware Baby on Monday. They are having some fabulous sales at this point and I got an additional 20% off. (As an aside I always check for additional savings no matter where I shop.)

Other exciting news is that My Girl has successfully transitioned to her new "big girl room"! This has allowed me to mentally and emotionally get to a point where I am now ready to start laundering clothes and bedding while organizing other necessary baby items. We now have two "new" rooms off our second floor hall, the offical "big girl room" and "Baby Brother's room". My Girl has spent three very successful nights thus far in her new full-size bed, quite a difference from her toddler bed-crib conversion.

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