Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

All I wanted for Christmas this year was to continue to remain pregnant with Baby Boy - and my Christmas wish came true! I am officially 30 weeks today and our Christmas couldn't have been merrier!
30 weeks is a huge milestone for me as I have never before started my weeks with a "3". In fact, this was such a big deal that I pulled out Hubby's birthday stuff from April when he, himself, turned a different kind of 30.

Kim was kind enough to stop by today to administer my 15th P17 shot. It is so hard to believe that I only have five left! This pregnancy is really flying by and if I don't have any issues arise, Baby Boy will be here in just about 7 weeks. Dr. Davis wants to schedule my c-section on the early side and I will be given the okay once Baby Boy's lung development is confirmed.

This leads me back to my on-going dilemma of where to deliver... yesterday, I met with a group of women doctors who could deliver me at Lankenau. Perhaps it's the fact that I met with a woman but the approach was so different from the old group of mine. I felt comfortable immediately. My heart is telling me to stay local, that it will be easier on Hubby, easier for my mom to visit and easier for Precious Miracle to meet her brother. I am familiar with not only the NICU team but also the hospital itself, I know the lactation consultants and feel confident in the hospital as a whole, which this new doc pointed out, you never know when you'll need a specialist. God-forbid something should happen during my surgery, she encouraged me to consider a place with top-notch medical professionals who could jump in at a moment's notice.

This doc is willing to see me and co-treat with Dr. Davis (no egos here!) and left me with the impression that she supports what I have done and her in own words, "there is no such thing as too much monitoring" supports my plan for care until delivery.

She was very flexible and offered, on her own, that I would be guaranteed to have one of the physicians in the group deliver me regardless if they are on-call or not. This was amazing comfort to me. She also put thought into my amnio (on the assumption we get to that point) indicating that she would like it done in the hospital just in case. She also said if I needed to deliver at Paoli for whatever reason (bad weather, couldn't get to Lankenau) that I go where I need to go, they will take care of everything else! What a refreshing bit of info whereas the old group made me feel like it was a mortal sin to visit another hospital.

And of course, maintaining just a small link to Precious Miracle, I learned that the resident who was part of her birth (she was actually the doc who discovered I was bleeding and got my c-section in motion) is now part of the group. I highly doubt she remembers me but I did stop her in the halls many months after Our Girl's birth to thank her.

Anyway, my heart feels like the decision has been made, not to mention the fact that Hubby is pretty adamant about my not delivering in Jersey. The comfort and peace in my heart is one of contentment, like I just know this is the right thing to do. I suppose my fear or concern is hurting Dr. Davis' feelings - I know, he's a professional and will understand, it's just so hard for me and as I've said before, he's the reason I am celebrating 30 weeks on Christmas Day 2008!

1 comment:

Leana said...

I came across your blog while browsing the Internet for info on premature babies. I lost my first baby to preterm labor (cause unknown) at 21.5 weeks in January 2008. Now I am 26 weeks pregnant again and, like you, thrilled to have made it this far! But I'm still nervous and really just hoping my little man (I'm having a boy, too) keeps cooking in there for 11 or 12 more weeks. Like you, I'm on weekly 17p progesterone shots, Omega-3s, pelvic rest, no exercise, and having regular cervix checks. I just started a blog for my pregnancy (, so feel free to visit! I will certainly be checking on your blog often and rooting for you and your baby. You're almost there! I'd love to hear from you and "get to know" you. --Leana, NYC