Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bladder Woes and Bedding

My little guy has been pressing on my bladder recently and I have to admit, I am slightly nervous that I may very well wet my pants. I catch myself doing a quick Kegel to stop what I think might be the start of an accident. Embarrassing. Very embarrassing. It is not associated with laughing, coughing, sneezing or anything else. It just comes on out of the blue. When I see the doctor this week, I will ask the nurse to check for infection. It really doesn't feel like one but I want to be 100% certain.

On another note, we are working on transitioning Little Miss from the nursery to her new big-girl room. She will be the proud hand-me-down recipient of the same furniture both my mother and I had growing up as girls. It is at the furniture refinisher and just yesterday we chose our stain. It will be done in approximately three weeks and between now and then I need to purchase a full-size mattress, box spring and new bedding. We also need to clean out the guest room in order to accommodate this newly revitalized furniture. My hope is that Little Miss is nicely settled in her new room before the baby arrives.

Speaking of the baby, I finally made the call last week to Karl's, the place where Missy's baby bedding and furniture came from. We went a little extreme on her nursery and in the spirit of saving a few dollars by not totally redoing the entire room, we are going to just switch out the bumper. Last time, before we knew we were having a girl, we chose two different fabric options: pink & chocolate and blue & chocolate. Basically, her nursery consists of a beautiful chocolate velvet dust ruffle that I plan on using for Baby Boy. All I need to do is confirm they still have the velvet. That is the inner part of the bumper. Then I need to select a blue fabric for the outside.

I've learned a lot since my last pregnancy and plan on purchasing the sheets, blankets and changing table pad cover at Babies R Us or Pottery Barn Kids. We already have a neutral corresponding chair and ottoman and I don't need the matching quilt, changing pad cover and stuffed bear or bunny. That was just a total waste of money but, I suppose the first time around, a mistake that is often made. I just had to have everything. I wised up a little.

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