Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Almost Forgot - Laugh Out Loud Funny...

And also pretty gross when you think about it!

Quick back story: about a week ago, I took Little Miss to the pediatrician because she was complaining that her "hiney hurts". They decided to run a urine culture so we sat on the potty and attempted the cup first. It was a no-go. So they bagged her. I was not going to cath her so thankfully the bag worked as she went in the bag while sitting on the potty. And thankfully the dip and culture were negative. The doctor chalked it up to being a potty-training two-year old who is all-too aware of certain body parts and their functions.

Fast forward to today: taking the opportunity to make everything a learning experience and only because the Miss had been through the same thing only the week before, when she asked, "what's Mommy doing" as I was leaving my own urine sample for the nurse today, I thought I might as well elaborate by reminding her that we tried to get her to do the same thing last week at her doctor and that it was Mommy's turn to go pee-pee in a cup.

She never took her eyes off me and as I placed the cup on the sink, innocently replied, "apple juice". I couldn't help but crack up but realize yes, it's pretty gross too. What is it they say, "out of the mouths of babes"?

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